Daisypath Ticker

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I'll miss you, Marshall Field's...

A little part of Chicago died today. Well, yesterday. I just didn't get a chance to post because Blogger was acting up yesterday.

F*ck Macy's.
F*ck Federated Department Stores.

Marshall Field's IS Chicago. The building is a landmark. The institution is a legend. I grew up with the green bags. I loved looking at the Christmas displays. I wanted to register there someday when I got married (although apparently the change won't go into effect until next fall...). The food court has tasty food. The Walnut Room is gorgeous. We don't want to be NYC or LA - no offense to those cities. We like being Chicago.

Call me a baby if you will. I'm just bitter.

I'm going to go buy me some Frangos. Before those rat bastards change the box.

Macy's and Federated can kiss my ass.

Monday, September 12, 2005

things i did this weekend that probably weren't a good idea...

Having that 2nd Sam Adams after the 36-oz Blue Moon... and the onion rings... and the quesadilla... and the chicken fingers... and the jalapeno poppers.

Coming home drunk and watching "Beaches" on TV, alone, with the leftover quesadilla to keep me company.

Attempting to run the next morning. Note, greasy food + lots of beer - enough water + running = needing to stop on the side of the trail to dry heave.

Helping Jenn (technologically challenged) buy an MP3 player and teaching her a crash course in digital music - I am reminded how easily she gets frustrated and irritated. Tomorrow's lesson - ripping CD's. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Welcome to the world, little man!

So my verrrrry pregnant cousin Trully FINALLY had her little boy on Saturday night... All 9 pounds of him! Congratulations to the new mama and the new papa Irio! I can't wait to meet the little guy. Sucky, I have to wait another week and a half before I get to see him, since I'm currently back in the QCA. I'm so excited for them. They've been waiting for the little guy for a long time. I saw a few pics, and he's adorable... Yay for them!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Give the Gulf Coast a hand...

Never mind the arguments about race, about socioeconomic status, about who is to blame. These are our fellow humans. These are our countrymen. And they need our help.

The Red Cross

little asian girl goes to med school. how crazy is she going to get? find out here!

i don't need cnn

Christine    ...    Dan
Fatima    ...    Irene
Kathy    ...    Marilyn
Mel    ...    Shannon

... ... ...

Chariya the Hot Mommy
Kuya Mikemike
My Favorite Celiac
The Landlord

Moody Monkey

The Necessities

The Food Network
I heart Google


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